Conrad Stroebe, Taylor Brown (Senate District #28), Corky Harkins, Dan Carter, Dianne Lehm, Brandy Dangerfield, Don Reed, Jonathan McNiven (House District #44), Bill Kennedy (Yellowstone County Commissioner) and Bob Riehl.
The meeting was called to order at 7 pm by Chairman Bob Riehl.
Commissioner Kennedy was in attendance to hear the report from the Lockwood Pedestrian Safety District and to see if they required any assistance.
Structuring of the Steering Committee
– Bob Riehl reported that the Committee will go back to the role of providing a forum for Communication between the Districts that serve Lockwood and the MEDA committees that are addressing issues of interest for the Community. It was decided that we will have four officers that will have a two year term. Chairman is Bob Riehl beginning in June 2014. Of those in attendance Brandy Dangerfield acknowledged that she would like to think about the remaining positions and may make a commitment next meeting. We still need others. Further actions tabled until next month.
District Reports
Fire District
– No report. However, it was noted that they were currently taking applications for Chief. Next meeting is July 2nd 7 PM at the fire station.
Water and Sewer
– Bob Riehl shared a summary report from Woody Woods. See the attached notice published in the Billings Gazette on June 25th. Cost shown in the Notice is $10,125 per property, which at 3% over 30 years translates to slightly less than $40/month in your tax bill.
Maps of the proposed footprint of the revised Phase II project for the Sewer District are available at the Water Office. There will be a mailing of the particulars to the home owners in the proposed footprint on July 3
rd. The Water District is currently (June 26th at the Water Office) interviewing for an Engineer for the Water Master Plan Study process. Next meeting is July 9th at 7 PM at the water offices.
Lockwood School
– Don Reed shared that the District is currently hooking up to the Sewer in stages. That will relieve the maintenance of its 20 drain fields. The Board is holding a stratege session on July 2nd. They are still in negotiation with the teachers. Don expressed appreciation of the corporate support for the School from Exxon-Mobile. Next meeting is June 10th 7 PM at the Board Room.
Irrigation District
– Bob Riehl reported that the District is still working with the Corps of Engineers and the Flood Plain Manager to establish baseline study information for the Intake Berm. This is to obtain a 310 Permit to allow future projects to rebuild the Headgates and repair the spillway. The Rate Study is on hold waiting on comments from the County Attorney. Next meeting is July 16th 7 PM at the water offices.
Lockwood Pedestrian Safety District –
Brandy Dangerfield reported that the committee has had both power suppliers in Lockwood talk with them about lighting solutions involving certain intersections and walk areas. They are preparing a map of priorities and are preparing to present their priorities list to the County Commissioners sometime in July. Commissioner Kennedy suggested several funding options to get projects started yet this construction season. He volunteered to explain more at their July meeting. The Pedestrian Safety District would like to coordinate with the other Districts in Lockwood so each could be supported on grant applications. Next meeting of the Advisory Committee is July 2nd at 7 PM in the Lockwood School Administration Building.
Transportation District –
No report.
MEDA – Committees
– Bob Riehl reported on activities of the committee. The committee is meeting at businesses the June meeting was hosted at B&L Scales on the corner of Scott and North Frontage Road Next. The business not only sells and services scales from counter top models to large truck and manufacturing scales, but, also sells meat cutting supplies.
The next meeting will be
Wednesday, July 9th 5:30 PM at Rocky Mountain Compost, Inc. at 3060 Farley Lane (off Johnson Lane). It will be a picnic format after work. Note the time it is
in the evening. Lesli and Bryce Glen will host. You can contact them at or 406-690-0602.
Media and Image
– No report, We will try to revive the group to help with the Lockwood One-year Celebration of our MEDA activities.
– An update received from Rob Guzman on the committee to rebuild the Lions Lair. They have selected a design proposal and will be having a meeting on July 15
th at 6 PM in the Lockwood Middle School Commons. They will be discussing the proposal and the needed fundraising.
Governance –
No report.
Schools and Education
– No report.
Lockwood One-year Celebration (MEDA)
– In the discussion the October 23rd date of the Steering Committee was suggested as best possible date at this time. Some further coordination is needed to firm up that date.
Bob Riehl will check with the School for availability of the Sturdevant Gym. Don Reed will check on other School scheduling conflicts. Dianne Lehm will work with Gloria O’Rourke and the MEDA Team to identify any conflicts. Jonathan McNiven will contact Nikki Tetrualt about the Image and media Group helping.
To discuss and Plan the event: Dianne, Brandy, Jonathan and Bob agreed to help. A conference call to initiate discussions with MEDA will be set in the next few weeks. We still invite others to step forward and participate We would like to involve the whole community.
Some thoughts:
Having the Districts each setup a table at the event to answer questions worked well last time. It would also be great to have MDT participate to talk about the Bypass project status.
Treasurer’s Report –
Bob Riehl reported that with all bills in for this date the account balance is $815.70.
Next meeting
– July 24th at 7 PM
at 8:30 PM
Notes Submitted by Bob Riehl